Friday, January 4, 2013

Arrival of the storm

The last bit of sunlight as the stormy dark clouds started covering the whole city.

Dark Clouds, Rain, and strong wind, forming into look of an on coming tornado.

Lightnings right after the sunset.

Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) everyone!! 

Isn't scary to experience such stormy clouds having it to cover the whole city? and at the same time having to hear that the world is ending soon? After all,it's up to everyone's individual believes.

Yes, it's quite unlucky (in my opinion) that we don't experience a single bit of snow in Singapore..but during the year end to early part of the year, we call it rainy season instead of winter. And I thought, it would be great to photograph these scary scene of the ''rainy season'' in Singapore. Well, there might be stormy clouds as similar as these, but to a photographer..every second makes a different in changing the scene of mother nature.

It can be said as my very first time photographing the lightning. It was a totally great and different experience, having the camera to expose for a certain amount of time and looking at the sky changing every single moment keeps me thinking 'that's how fast time passes'

Also, I'm considered very lucky to be able to capture one of the lightning striking right towards the building in front of where my camera is pointing. This photograph was taken from my room window, and usually dark thick clouds would be covering and lightning will be at the opposite side of the clouds. Such a lucky day for me being able to photograph such scene (especially from my room window).

Have a great weekend ahead pals ! :)

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